

SDG 126,500
AC Installation TERMS & CONDITIONS: Please make sure a power source is prepared and ready next to installation area. (not more than 0.5m from installation point). The following will be provided per unit installation of LG Split type Airconditioner:
  1. 5m communication cable
  2. 5m refrigerant pipes
  3. 3m PVC drain pipe
  4. 1 outdoor mount & bolts.
Installation Service does not include:
  1. Plastering or repainting
  2. Preparation of power supply from the main power source
  3. Scaffolding (incase installation is higher than 1 floor)
  4.  Provision of wooden box for window type
Any extra works or materials can be done with extra charges. All Civil works are excluded from the installation team scope of work
To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below

لمعرفة اذا كانت سعة المكيف مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة يمكنك الإتصال على الأرقام التالية

0123196461 / 0123196462


In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .

في حالة ان وحدة التكيف وجدت غير مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة لن يستطيع طاقم التركيب من إكمال عملية التركيب، وإذا تم التركيب تحت اي ظرف فلن تتحمل الشركة مسؤولية آداء هذا المكيف و عليه لن يسلم له كرت ضمان