LG Free Stand type A/C Smart Inverter- 100,000 BTU/H
[Price does not include installation السعر لا يشمل التركيب ]

To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
لمعرفة اذا كانت سعة المكيف مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة يمكنك الإتصال على الأرقام التالية
0123196460/0123196461 / 0123196462
- Smart Inverter Compressor™
- 10 Year Warranty on compressor
- Airflow direction control
- Long-life pre filter (washable / anti-fungus)
- Self diagnosis
- Auto operation (artificial intelligence)
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
في حالة ان وحدة التكيف وجدت غير مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة لن يستطيع طاقم التركيب من إكمال عملية التركيب، وإذا تم التركيب تحت اي ظرف فلن تتحمل الشركة مسؤولية آداء هذا المكيف و عليه لن يسلم له كرت ضمان
LG Free Stand type A/C Smart Inverter- 50,000 BTU/H
[Price does not include installation السعر لا يشمل التركيب ]
To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
لمعرفة اذا كانت سعة المكيف مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة يمكنك الإتصال على الأرقام التالية
0123196460 /0123196461/ 0123196462

- Smart Inverter Compressor™
- 10 Year Warranty on compressor
- Airflow direction control
- Long-life pre filter (washable / anti-fungus)
- Self diagnosis
- Auto operation (artificial intelligence)
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
في حالة ان وحدة التكيف وجدت غير مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة لن يستطيع طاقم التركيب من إكمال عملية التركيب، وإذا تم التركيب تحت اي ظرف فلن تتحمل الشركة مسؤولية آداء هذا المكيف و عليه لن يسلم له كرت ضمان
LG DUAL INVERTER – 24000Btu/h (Super)

To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers
0123196460 /0123196461 / 0123196462
- 65°C Dual Inverter Compressor™
- 10 Year Warranty on compressor
- Energy saving up to 55%
- 60% Faster Cooling
- Low noise level
- Precise temperature control
- Gold Fin™
- Simple and Modern Design with Hidden display
- 5m refrigerant pipes + 5m electric cable
- Swing: Up/down - right/left
- Paid Installation Service. Note: Installation has to be done by Digitech to receive a warranty card on this product
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
DIGI SPLIT UNIT – 24000Btu/h
LG DUAL INVERTER – 18000Btu/h (Super)
[Price does not include installation ]
To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
0123196460 / 0123196461/0123196462

- 65°C Dual Inverter Compressor™
- 10 Year Warranty on compressor
- Energy saving up to 55%
- 60% Faster Cooling
- Low noise level
- Precise temperature control
- Gold Fin™
- Simple and Modern Design with Hidden display
- 5m refrigerant pipes + 5m electric cable
- Swing: Up/down - right/left
- Paid Installation Service. Note: Installation has to be done by Digitech to receive a warranty card on this product
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
LG DUAL INVERTER – 24000Btu/h (Standard)
[Price does not include installation ]

To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers
0123196460 /0123196461 / 0123196462
- 65°C Dual Inverter Compressor™
- 10 Year Warranty on compressor
- Energy saving up to 55%
- 60% Faster Cooling
- Low noise level
- Precise temperature control
- Gold Fin™
- Simple and Modern Design with Hidden display
- Swing: Up/down
- Paid Installation Service. Note: Installation has to be done by Digitech to receive a warranty card on this product
- 3m refrigerant pipes + 1 m electric cable
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
[Price does not include installation ]

To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
0123196460 / 0123196461 / 0123196462
- Capacity: 24000 Btu
- Powerful Compressor
- T3 (Tropical)
- Light golden fin evaporator
- Mechanical Control Type
- 5 Years Warranty on compressor & 1 Year on the other parts
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
LG Dual Inverter – 12000Btu/h (Standard )
[Price does not include installation ]

To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
0123196460 /0123196461 / 0123196462
- 10 Year Warranty on compressor
- Energy saving up to 55%
- 60% Faster Cooling
- Low noise level
- Precise temperature control
- Gold Fin™
- Simple and Modern Design with Hidden display
- 3m refrigerant pipes + 1 m electric cable
- Swing: Up/down
- Paid Installation Service. Note: Installation has to be done by Digitech to receive a warranty card on this product
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
DIGI SPLIT UNIT – 18000Btu/h
[Price does not include installation ]

To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
0123196460 /0123196461 / 0123196462
- Capacity: 18000 Btu
- Powerful Compressor
- T3 (Tropical)
- Light golden fin evaporator
- Mechanical Control Type
- 5 Years Warranty on compressor & 1 Year on the other parts
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
DIGI SPLIT UNIT – 12000Btu/h
[Price does not include installation ]

To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
0123196460 / 0123196461 / 0123196462
- Capacity: 12000 Btu
- Powerful Compressor
- T3 (Tropical)
- Light golden fin evaporator
- Mechanical Control Type
- 5 Years Warranty on compressor & 1 Year on the other parts
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
DIGI Evap Portable DG-EV-RPAASP6080G
LG Ceiling Fan
DIGI Evap Portable DG-EV-RPEABP4030G/D

- 5m communication cable
- 5m refrigerant pipes
- 3m PVC drain pipe
- 1 outdoor mount & bolts.
- Plastering or repainting
- Preparation of power supply from the main power source
- Scaffolding (incase installation is higher than 1 floor)
- Provision of wooden box for window type
To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area please call the numbers below
لمعرفة اذا كانت سعة المكيف مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة يمكنك الإتصال على الأرقام التالية
0123196461 / 0123196462
In-case the area is larger than the AC capacity, Installation team will be obliged to either not install, or install given you waive your warranty rights .
في حالة ان وحدة التكيف وجدت غير مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة لن يستطيع طاقم التركيب من إكمال عملية التركيب، وإذا تم التركيب تحت اي ظرف فلن تتحمل الشركة مسؤولية آداء هذا المكيف و عليه لن يسلم له كرت ضمان
KDK Ventilating Fan – Wall mount 12″
DIGI Fan Dynamic
AC Split Type Installation Service

- 5m communication cable
- 5m refrigerant pipes
- 3m PVC drain pipe
- 1 outdoor mount & bolts.
- Plastering or repainting
- Preparation of power supply from the main power source
- Scaffolding (incase installation is higher than 1 floor)
- Provision of wooden box for window type
في حالة ان وحدة التكيف وجدت غير مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة لن يستطيع طاقم التركيب من إكمال عملية التركيب، وإذا تم التركيب تحت اي ظرف فلن تتحمل الشركة مسؤولية آداء هذا المكيف و عليه لن يسلم له كرت ضمان
To know more about the compatibility of your AC unit with your area, please call the numbers below:لمعرفة اذا كانت سعة المكيف مناسبة مع مساحة الغرفة يمكنك الإتصال على الأرقام ادناه
0123196461 / 0123196462